Friday, December 4, 2009

my best bday ever till this moment

hello2..hee..lame da xtls blog..bru td bce2 blog org lain n noticed that ive been tagged by fain bout da "best birthday ever"..hmm..act aku bknla jenis yg clbrate bday sgt..janji org ingat da kire ckup da..kalo kt tkc dlu xdela clbrate yg gempak gle2 pn..but everytime bday sape2 sure nyanyi yg smpai 1 blog tu cm nk roboh.."gempa bumi" for few seconds..nyanyi cmtu pn da wat aku rase sgtla terharu..hehe..

btw..there are 2 events which really memorable for me..stu mase kt matrix n satu lg mase kt kt unpad nie..mase kt matrix dlu mmg best..siap clbrate 2 kali lg..skali ngan roomate mase mlm bday..skali lg ngan sume praktikum mates + really2 close frens + roomates lg..best2!!sume diorg yg plan..abes basah2 aku plus busuk kne telur n tepung sume..diorg sememangny kejam ble part2 clbrate bday a lot of presents plus 1 big pooh teddy given by ex:) everythings wonderfull that nite.thanx kawan2:P

hmm tp yg plg best ny ofcourse la mase kt unpad 21st bday!!
kn da byk kali clbrate bday2 org dat day aku cm asyik nk teka je ape yg jd but then sume salah..huhuhu..1st aku kuar ngan "si dia" g jatos..since pg tp xdela pg sgt pn..aku smpai dlu..lame jgk la aku tggu sorg2 kt jatos tu..since die lmbt so aku start la pkir konon2 die prepare utk bday aku..heh..tbe2 die pn smpai la tp ade org lain skali..isma n cany..hmm time nie mmg aku da pkir lain btol da..konon2 diorg dtg nk clbrate bday aku la kn..da brbunge da aku..haha..then kitorg g mkn kfc..ngan isma n cany skali..aku da plik da..apsal mkn nk clbrate bday aku..hmm xpela..sabar2..after that naik escalator..nk g tngkt ats..skali lg aku pkir konon2 nk clbrate bday aku kt foodcourt la..da smngt da nie..berdebar2 da..alik2 xdepape pn..jatos ttp beroperasi spt biase..huhuhu..kecewa lg..then kitorg g amek gamba brdua..isma & cany da blk..amek gamba yg kne byr 10rbu tu..after amek gamba g la tgk wayang pulak..cte pe ntah aku pn xingt da..da hmpir sethn kot..heh..after tgk wayang kitorg pn jln2 jp la kt jatos..aku pnah ckp nk bunge kt die..pas2 die ckpla nk bli tp die bwk aku g kdai 5rbu konon2 nk bli bunge kertas..nk ganti sbb xbli bunge btol..time nie aku cm sdey gle sbb care die nk bli bunge tu mmg mcm nk tebus blk sbb xdpt bli bunge yg aku aku diam jela..wat2 xkesah..last2 ckp xyah..xnk da bunge..bli nnt jela..kecewa lg aku dihari jdku..huhuhu..

pastu cm da ptg nk mlm..lps solat mghrb sume aku nk blk da..da pnat dr pg aku lapa die ajak mkn kt lapangan tembak..die kate die xlapa so aku pn ckpla..bli 1 je then kongsi..aku nk mkn spagheti tp die ckp spagheti xkenyang plus nk mkn 2 org nnt aku pn 2kar la menu..order ns goreng..mknla 2 org 1 pnggan..time2 mkn tu borak la..tbe2 die ckp "aah la xbli kek pn utk mot..cmne leh lupe..xpela org g bli kek kt dpn kfc jp" ya ALLAH time nie mmg aku plg sdey..bday xde kek????kecewa nk nanges aku tahan jela..pastu die btol2 bgn nk g bli kek but then aku tahan..aku ckp xyah..mkn ns goreng jela..*wat ayat sdey* huhu..
after mkn tu nk blk da..mase tu cm ujan..aku blk nek ojek la kn mlm2 da xde die kate nk die naik 1 ojek & aku nek 1 ojek..time nie aku pelik da sbb die smngt nk huda tbe2 msj aku ckp bdk umah aku sume ade kt umah kalo da blk nk kunci kne g amek kt sane..time nie mmg aku pkir kire nk wat surprise la nie..KANTOI!!!time nie la bru tekaan aku btol..yeayyyy..hehhehe..aku msk umah tu..pastu tgk diorg nyanyi smbil pgg kek..ADA KEK!!hehe..then tbe2 aku dpt sejambak bunge ros putih+merah from "si dia"..time nie sgt2 la happy..xtau cmne nk gambarkn..xpnah dpt bunge sebnyak tu..siap trlebih2 lg..haha..aku mmg suke ros putih..cantik..time kaseh:)

menu mlm tu ialah spagheti!!maszu msk..pttla die xkasik aku mkn spagheti mase kt lapangan tembak rupe2ny sbb die da suro maszu masakkn spagheti utk menu bday aku..sedap2!!thanx maszu:) cany n isma plak time pg kt jatos tu diorg bru lps abes study group pastu diorg tlg bwkkn kek aku blk die pn blanje la diorg kfc sbb da tlg..pttla kne mkn kfc lak pg2 tu..hehe..mcm2 btol..

papepn..surprise tu menjadi..saye gembira!!gembira sgt2!!thanx utk semua yg dtg..da lmbt bru nk ckp kn..hehe xpela..thanx for all wishes & presents..terharu!!
to buncit..lakonan anda sgt2 la menjadi on dat day..btol2 tertipu..sob3..hehe..anyway tmbh lg 1 cte..mase jln2 kt jatos aku ade nk bli 1 purse nie..act nk bli warne lain tp da aku pn decide nk bli jela warne pe yg die xkasik..die kate nnt bli kt bandung..mane tau ade warna yg aku aku xjd bli la..rupe2ny warna yg aku nk tu da xde sbb die da bli dlu awal2..da siap2 bungkus ngan adiah2 lain yg die bg skali..thanx my dear..that was wonderfull..:P

hmm so ni la cronology bday aku yg ke 21..pnjang lebar aku cte..hehe..neway bout 1 bulan je lg bday aku yg ke 22 lak bakal menjelang..bun cpt2 pkir nk wat cmne lak tau..hehehehe..
tp da nk msk 22..da makin tua..semoga Tuhan panjangknla umur aku lg..aminn..huhu..
so thats all for tonite..stop writing here..tata~

Monday, October 26, 2009

time..please pass fast..please go with messed in my head..please go with everything that cause my heartache..time..please help me to forget..i dun wanna remember any of it..its hurt..time..please heal me..i need to be happy..please go with all sadness that comes..i dun need them..what i only need is..equanimity~

Sunday, August 30, 2009

blue hippo drowning

arinie bercita2 nk wt kuih badak berendam..suke bli ble g bazar ramadhan kt msia..sedap!!!
blk study group td g jatos sat..bli tepung pulut..santan n gula merah..then on da way blk umah singgah kdai sayur kt jln syg tu pulak..bli kelapa parut lak..stu lg xckup!! daun ngan muke xmalu ny g la mntk daun pndan kt umah org kt puri..pkcik tu siap bg akar skali..xtau la sbb murah hati ke nk perli ke..ishh xbaik buruk sangka bulan2 pose nie..pkcik tu baik ati la..die suroh tnm kt umah..hehe..da ade sume bahan..complete!!!
blk umah..solat..sidai labcoat yg rendam mlm td..then siap2 nk wt kuih..dlm kol 3 lebey kot start wt..da uli tepung pulut wif air pandan tbe2 terase lembik maszu kate tmbah air lg..icak n farah pn tlg jugak..mcm2 rupe kuih tu..yela..mcm2 tgn..haha..then da nk kukus xde bekas kukus after teraweh..pnjm bekas maszu..da siap!!! rase...XSEDAP!!! xmcm yg slalu mkn kt msia pn..resepi sape la nie..tipu je tau..huhu..mknla 2-3 biji pastu xmau da..kecewa!! last2 bia jela badak tu berendam kt dlm bekas tu..lemas pn xpe..sob2:(

Friday, July 10, 2009

curik post!!~hehe

hallo2~~hee..bru lps jump blog to blog..pastu jmpe dis one post..utk husband/wife sbenanye..haha..but most of it sgtla boley diamalkn oleh mereka2 yg sdg brpasangan skrg..semoga berkekalan ke jinjang pelamin..beranak pinak n bercucu cicit hendaknye..amin~~
disbbkn excited nk share ngan org me pn "salin" n "tampal" la kt my blog..


1) Puji --> setiap pasangan perlu saling memuji antara satu sama lain dalam semua aspek kehidupan seperti masakan atau ucapan terima kasih apabila diberi pertolongan.
ps: haa dgr tu..xleh ego2 tau=)

2) Peluk --> yang mana pasangan suami isteri hendaklah selalu peluk memeluk antara satu sama lain sekerap mungkin pada setiap hari kerana pelukan itu adalah belaian penuh kasih sayang.
ps: pasangan suami isteri je ye..yg lain xleh!!~pesanan dr JAIS..heh

3) Penghargaan --> di mana amalan memberi hadiah boleh menambah kasih sayang.
ps: bun take note..*wink*

4) Perhatian --> kekurangan perhatian boleh mengakibatkan pasangan terasa diabaikan.
ps: so perhatikanla psgn korg sejam sehari..hahaha

5) Persefahaman.

6) Pergaulan --> pasangan suami isteri mesti menjaga pergaulan masing-masing dengan orang lain bagi mengelakkannya daripada melampaui batas, menimbulkan cemburu seterusnya membawa kepada pembabitan orang ketiga.
ps: bun take note jgk!!~ngeehehe

7) Percutian --> di mana kita perlu merancang percutian berdua-duaan dengan pasangan di tempat yang jauh daripada kesibukan dan kehidupan rutin.
ps: jom g bali..bogor..pangandaran..jogja..jakarta..solo..bandung..hoho:p

8) Permohonan --> iaitu doa kepada Allah supaya merapatkan kasih sayang antara pasangan suami isteri serta dijauhi daripada godaan kemewahan dan keseronokan dunia.
ps: amin ya rabbal alamin~~

finished!!sooo amalkn la yg mane yg ptt ye..
yg no 2 tu jgn gatal2 tau..hehe


Friday, June 19, 2009

dpt award!!

1.copy award di atas utk diletakkan di blog anda
successfully done!

2. nyatakan 5 fakta menarik ttg pemberi award ini.

  1. buah hati Dr. I
  2. putih n tembam
  3. org johor
  4. loves green
  5. rajin wt lab n LI
  1. putih melepak
  2. mek klate yg tegas
  3. brave
  4. bijak pndai org nye
  5. active blogger bersama-sama org yg kt ats tu..hee
3. setiap blogger mesti menyatakan 10 fakta / hobby diri sendiri sebelum memilih penerima award seterusnya.
  • suke tdo.penat--tdo.ngantuk--tdo.xpnat n xngantuk pn tdo jugak!!
  • suke shopping kasut.bags.purse.da byk collection kt umah..nk tgk??
  • plg suke shopping ngan buncit..nnt buncit ikut je..plg best nnt buncit yg blikan..hehe
  • sgt sng nanges.reason bodoh2 pn leh nanges smpai bengkak mate
  • suke mkn.slh.sgt2 suke cream..byk lg..xleh list kt cni=)
  • dlu kalo marah msti sume org skang suke diam nk lyn.simpan dlm akn ingt smpai dun start okey!
  • suke chocolate.teh susu.air jeruk.byk lagi tp xminat nescafe n coffee..
  • suke msj buncit.tepon buncit.blaja ngan buncit.jln2 ngan buncit.kesimpulan ny suke buncit (tp xsuke perut buncit tau)..hehe:-)
  • suke bersukan.plg suke basketball..suke badminton.bowling.squasy n futsal jgk!
  • study??suke!!hahaha..btol..suke ikut mood la..hohoho
  • nk tambah lg satu!!suke kwn2 saye.esp team puri n ofcourse my survivors sisters..syg kamu sume soooo much!
4.Anda perlu memilih 10 penerima award seterusnya dan describe ttg mereka.
  1. cikfun - gile2..suke ijau..mrs.Eight
  2. farahain - gile2 kdg2 garang..hehe
  3. cikbie - white.."suke" dok hospital..suke melancong jgk..haha
  4. noi - tutor mate..busy woman..
  5. nadu - sengal2..kind
  6. hadi - suke timbulkn kontroversy..suke wt intro pnjg2 ble nk present pape
  7. opie - suke merepek..hadi kate die termasuk dlm geng pot-pet laki twp
  8. pojie - da mkn besar xpe hani ade jd personal nutritionist die..hehe
  9. hani - awek pojie..suke wt kuiz "how well do u know me" kt facebook
  10. lukman - pndai..rajin..baik jgk
SIAP!mostly da dpt da pn..huhu..but dis time from chiechie so kire lain la ngan yg org len bg..haha xdeape..enjoy~

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

lagi2 polygamy...*sigh*...

so ermm...i hvnt write for soo long..not really in da mood to write anything even there are so much things to tell..hell already in my 3rd year n now learning for cardiovascular system..already in 3rd week n the case for this week is HEART FAILURE..only the intro..haha..not going to talk bout that case..enuff in tutorial..fullstop!!so..ive read through my frens blogs n im excited to elaborate more about that here..polygamy??hahaha..damn controversy ryte..ppl always write what they want to..because they never try to be in other ppl shoes..come on la..LAME ISSUE okey!!u already know the answer yet u still ask bout that..for what??..attract attention??..dun have to do this for that..YES u will get attention but not good one..okey..i will only agree if ppl say polygamy itu dibenarkn NOT diharuskn or maybe ade org gile nk ckp polygamy tu diwajibkn..hell NO!!n since it is dibenarkn so it should be at least a reason to do so n ofcourse with some conditions to agree with kn..BUT the reason must be reasonable la..munasabah..anyways i read this one post n he wrote about women menstruation..he ask a question "how about if the husband's arausal come at that time"..easy..they cant do sex aka persetubuhan aka hubungan intim or watever any other name for that..ape susah??now i would ask him back.."are u married bcoz of sex??"seems like ure thinking about that too far..why give menstruation as the reason??why no pregnancy??at least 2 months or may even more u have to hold that desire..btol x??or may be u want to tell me thats why most men seeking for other women while their wives pregnant??hahaha..ur reason sgt3 unacceptable..BUT..i agree about if the husband have some (can we call disease??hihi..) difficulties to hold that sexual arausal or maybe very high desire on that...for that reason..ive to surrender..hohoho..anyway the prob is most husbands with multiple wives are NORMAL..they have no "disease" like i mentioned before..that just a reason yg diada-adakn..the percentage maybe lower than 5% or may even lower than that..setuju x??fuhh..*sigh*..penat la melalut nie..okey..this post published only to give MY OWN response to what ive read..not to initiate any war okey..we are free to write..kan kan..hehe..anyway guys out there plz remember..polygamy itu adalah dibenarkn bukan diharuskn..n one more thing.."if u really love sumone n want her to be on ur side till ur last breath..then u have to always be on her side till her last breath"..only her..n thats what every women in the world ever hope:)

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Terimalah taubatku ini

Taubat Seorang Hamba~~ Irsyadee ft. Hafiz Hamidun

Hati hiba mengenangkan
Dosa-dosa yang ku lakukan
Oh Tuhan Maha Kuasa
Terima taubat hamba berdosa

Ku akui kelemahan diri
Ku insafi kekurangan ini
Ku kesali kejahilan ini
Terimalah, terimalah, terimalah
Taubatku ini

Telah aku merasakan
Derita jiwa dan perasaan
Kerana hilang dari jalan
Menuju redha-Mu ya Tuhan

Di hamparan ini ku meminta
Moga taubatku diterima

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


first of all..NOT ME!!my aunt..or i usually call her acu..she is getting married on 30th May dats y i've to go back to indonesia on 31st..act nk blk awal lg..heh..last weekend me blk kampung wif my mom, acu n my other n brothers xikut..nk siap2kn umah for da kenduri nnt..excited!!hehehe..1st night kt sane kitorg da g shopping..abes about rm1000 la..bli tv..kipas..cattle..ape2 lg ntah..ble da sume pmpuan mmg cmtu la..xde laki nk suro stop..sume suke2 ati msk brg dlm troly..haha..abes shopping sume kelaparan..bli la nasi n kuewtiaw goreng kt satu kedai nie..mine kuewtiaw goreng..sedap!!then sambil mkn kt umah smbil la tgk tv yg bru bli tu..hehe..then mak call along tanye da mkn lom adk jugak tanye..pastu adk ckp abah xde kt umah..laa mane pulak abah..xkn g ronggeng ngan pmpuan lain pulak (mntang2 la last post i wrote about my jiran yg nk kawen my mind pn asyik pkir buruk je..xbaik tau) hee..then adk explain ckp abah blk kampung..huh??..abah xckp pn nk blk kampung mlm adk pn ape lg "adk rase abah nk wat surprise la kt mak..tu yg saje xbgtau mak tu"..i was like..surprise?? sweetnye abah..da la mlm..kne drive sorg2 from putrajaya to perak lak tu..huhu..mak pn ape lg excited tggu abah smpai..siap bkk kn pintu sume da padahal jauh lg..hehe..klakar la..i was suddenly think ny mom n dad still can maintain their marriage for like 25 years..hope it will be forever..amin..okey close case bout dat romantic nite..hehe..da nx day me woke up kne kerah cat umah..waawawa..penat tahu!tp xpela acu punye psl..nnt leh paw bju kurung die byk2..ngeh3..dat nite kitorg cbuk kn diri pulak siapkn buah tgn nk bg to all tetamu mase kenduri tu ekh org pggl..ntahla..blasah jela buah tgn..haha..ade potpuri (xtau la btol x eja nie)..ade sweets..ade kipas..byk jugak la in one goody bag..berbaloi kalo dtg..jemputla ye..haha..da sibuk2 tlg prepare for da wedding my mind mule la merayap..think bout my future wedding..nk wt cmne ekh..theme color??hantaran??pelamin??baju??hahaha..excited!!tp lmbt lg kot..we'll se..*wink*..heh..ermm so i think dats all for now..nk smbg dreaming for my wedding..HAH..xdeape..till then..tata~~

Friday, May 1, 2009

*few days in Malaysia*

so i've been about a week kot in my home-sweet-home..hee..tdo lyke hell..watching astro almost a day huh..watever..neway i already wrote what i've done in my 1st day ryte..yg pnjg lebar tu..yg dyana said im a step 4ward of becoming a lady tu..what a complement..hahaha..xdeape..2nd day me da start mengactivekn diri dgn activity2 social kt cni..yeahh rite..xdepape pn..jz joined da family day which my dad paly the role as the pengerusi..i played bowling!!~sgt lame da xmen..kt indon nk men kne g bandung..jauh da lame xmen tp xpela since my dad da put on my name kan..i played in category 'individu wanita'..ade 9 or 11 players..not remember la..guess what??after played 3 set straight..i won 2nd place..hehe..dpt piala yg smart plus a very big hamper..kenyang la nk wt mkn my points sgtla sket..skills da ilang my result..

1st set: 119 pins
2nd set: 82 pins <lowest points i got ever..shame on me..huhu>
3rd set: 145 pins

ermm so thats all da result..xkesah pn mng ke kalah..sje2 nk men..1st time msk tournament bowling family day punye jela..hahaha..hmm one day me borak2 wif my mom n told me that my neighbour's daughter ade dis one describe:~
"ank mkcik Zah (bkn name sbenar) yg 2nd tu skt..sian die..berat die da trun sgt da..tggl 31kg je..pstu kt muke die ade merah2 start kt idung pastu kt pipi..die xleh kne cahaya matahari nnt lg teruk..pastu kencing die pn de mslh..mkcik Zah ckp mule2 tu ank die mls sgt..suro wat pape pn lmbt je..pastu trus bwk jmpe doc tanye nape.."
after heard that..i only can think about SLE..systemic lupus erythromatosus..hypersensetivity type 3..
definition: an untoimmune disease where cells, tissues n organs undergo damage due to autoantibody n immune complex deposition
the day after tomorrow my mom ask my neighbour about the name of the disease that her daughter suffered from n the answer was i know my diagnosis is true..ala tu pn sbb bru sorry for her..i really i heard my mom said that her father nk kawen lagi..WHAT??anak kau skt n kau ade hati nk kawen lain pulak..suami n ayah jenis ape nie..oh my GOD..dasar xnk msk cmpur urusan rumah tnagga org lain..but i'll pray for good things to be happen..God is great..God always know whats best..
heyy kamu lelaki..remember this:
"its okey to let yourself be happy..because you never know how fleeting that happiness might be"
so i hope the happiness of having 2nd wife will run fast till u cant even breath with it!!
haish terEMO cool..neway time to go..till then~~

Saturday, April 25, 2009

*first day in MALAYSIA*

so as tittle HOME!!~MALAYSIA tanah airku..haha..flight at 610am..together wif my buncit, nieza n shabak..we arive at the airport nearly 530am maybe..not so many things happened..kelam kabut gile..yela da smpai airport agak lmbt la tu kn plus nk solat subuh sume lg..mmg huru hara la mase check in pg td..hoho..1st si shabak wt hal..todays date is 25th april dlm itinerary die tls 25th May..lg sebulan tahu!!punye la gelabah mase tu..xtau la kakak die yg slh booking or shabak sndri yg slh bg date..then shabak pn plan utk 2kar jela date first xleh pn coz rules nk change tket should be 48 hours b4 alhamdulillah maybe sbb xrmai org kot so dptla jugak mamat tu tukar tket..huhu..kalo x blk jatinangor jela ye shabak..hahaha..then my turn n nieza pulak..our lugage overload..sengal sungguh!!kt ctu jgkla kitorg kuarkn pape yg ptt n pgg je..sket je pn so xdak hal sgt..yg pnting xmau byr..heh..after 3 of us da wt hal..buncit tu mntak itinerary bt buncit already hve boarding pass..kire die da check in by internet..haha..mcm2 tol..act we print out that the night b4 our flight..xprasan xpela..sume excited sgt nk blk kot..hehe..yg penting flight QZ7595 already arrived from bandung to LCCT about 915am waktu msia..yeayyy:)
erm my parents pick me up at the airport n 1st thing we did was mkn roti canai plus teh gile..then blk umah rehat2 jp..suddenly my dad suggested me to do facial since my face da mcm ape je..burn injury!!~but not coz of thermal or electrical or was matahari yg cantik tu..haha..yg klakar nye my dad yg suggest xkesah nk lyn..since abah da berie plus abah pn yg byr so me ikut jela..mmg teringin nk wat pn..nk merasa..xpnah tau!! i went to this one pusat kecantikan yg my aunt slalu g..murah jela kot kalo ikut duit takes time bout 1hr1/2..bosan gle brg je..lenguh tau x!!huhu..mule2 cm best jela bt then ble smpai stu part nie ntah papejela yg minah tu wt..die men cucuk2 my face pulak..sgt skt..i think im crying kot td..hahaha..sengal la cici..can sumone tell me wat the hell yg minah tu wt act??mase tu i think that msti the worker mad at me coz dpt customer yg mls jage me..wakaka..padan muke!!~then pe ntah lg ntah minah tu wt..mcm2 die sapu kt my face yg "comey" nie..hoho..watever la..esok nk g lg la..suro my aunt pulak byr..ngeh3..persediaan nk jd pengapit bro kawen nnt pn me akn jd pengapit jgk..xsaba2..*wink*
hmm da pnat da tls..smlm tdo jp je since tkt xtrbgn mase padma dtg till to go..nitey goes my new maxis number <0126572074> call me kalo xkdekut tau..haha xdela..take care..tata~

Thursday, April 23, 2009

time to go home~!!

yeayy..finally everything is done n over..really wait for dis moment..judicium bru abes siang td..satisfied wif my result but still hope better for next year..CONGRATS to my frens yg cemerlang2 sume those yg ade sangkut2 dun worry..u guys have done ur best..maybe rezeki lom smpai..saba tau..Tuhan itu MAHA ADIL..have faith!!~
so as da tittle going home!!sabtu neyh 25th april..flight at 610am..awal kn..xtau la mampu bkk mate x..haha..sgt xsaba nk flight act on then my abah willingly nk awalkn semata2 nk me join boling competition rukun tetangga pe ntah..smangat kn..hehe..i'll paired wif abah for that competition..msti mng punye la..hahaha..perasan sungguh!!~im so excited n looking 4ward for this hols..first time dpt cuti lame tau..sebulan maa n end of May my aunt nk kawen pulak..die suro me jd pengapit die..teruja!! kate sape jd pengapit nnt cpt kawen kn..*wink*
ermm..ptg td da angkot few my stuffs pindah g umah bru dgn bantuan pkcik2 ojek yg gagah..hahaha..bru angkot bku je tp tu pn bape trip ntah td..byk tau..cmne la nk bwk blk msia nx year..huhu..watever la..esok2 bru pkir..heh..
orite..saye da ngantok..wanna go to my bed dah..plan to dream like im alredi at nye~~till then..tata :)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

filling my time :)

so erm here u go..tagged by farahain n mrs eight~~

1. Were u named after anyone?
no idea..but ppl name is everywhere..famous huh..haha

2. when the last time u cried?
not sure..a week b4 i guess..there will be time i'll cry much..horrible best describe..huhu

3. Do u like your handwriting? handwriting always depends on my mood..good mood good handwriting..weird huh..*wink*

4. What is your fav lunch meal?
anything..i love to eat..

5. Do u have kids?
ofcourse la xdak..but i would like to have about 3 or 4 my own kids..advance planning huh..hahaha

6. If u were another person, would u be friend with yourself?
ofcourse i da bestest fren in da world tau..haha..kidding answer~!!

7. Do u use sarcasm?

8. Do u still have tonsils?
yeahh sure..nk tgk??

9. would u bungee jump?
nak!!~but im afraid of high..leh mati x kalo takut sgt..

10. What is your fav cereal?
honey star..coco crunch..many more~love cereals :)

11. Do u untie your shoes when u take it off?
nope! malas..hee

12. What is your fav ice cream?
most fav will be vanilla..least fav will be choc

13. What is the 1st thg u notice about people?
most important one..attitude..

14. Red/pink?
i hate u already have the answer..haha

15. what is your less fav thg about yourself?
nothing!!~i love da way i am..if u dont then go away..i dun like u either

16. Who do you miss the most?
my basketball game..definitely!

17. Do
you want everyone to complete this list?

18. What color pant & shoes are you wearing?
no shoes..kaki on bed already

19. what are u listening to right now?
a song wif unknown tittle..haha

20. If you were a crayon, what color you would be?
white :)

21. Fav smells?
nothing specific kot..

22. Who the last person u talked to on the phone?
my hubby buncit

23. Do u like the person who sent this to u?
i like all my frens..

24. Fav sports to watch?
anything will be fine to is da most fav one

25. Hair color?
hitam sudey

26. Eye color?
hitam juge

27. Do you wear contacts?
nope..takut..nnt xleh kuar camne..huhu

28. Fav food?
a lot!!trust me..hehe

29. Scary movies or happy ending?
both can be considered

30. Last movies u watched?
mati suri..xtakut sgt buncit ttp mate 4 da whole movie..hahhaha

31. What color shirt are u wearing?

32. Summer or winter?
love all 4 :)

33. Hugs or kisses?
both ofcourse

34. Most likely to responds?

35. Least likely to responds?

36. What books are u reading now?
none..not my hobby

37. What is on your mouse pad?
my desk..hoho

38. What did u watch on tv last nite?
sinetron indonesia..melati untuk marvel

39. Fav sounds?
dun really have da most fav one..

40. Rolling stone or the beatles?
say NO to both..haha

41. What is the farthest u have been away from home?

42. Do you have special talent?
ade..banyak!!~hee..perasan sungguh

43. Where were u born?
perak darul ridzuan

44. Whose answer u looking forward to getting back?

45. How did u meet your spouse/significant others?
GOD meet us up..thank you ALLAH~

46. Tagged people?
are u a fren of mine??then u have been tag..haha

~~finished..thanx for letting me doing dis..farahain ckp i love answering questions..maybe sbb i used to suke menjawab kot mase kecik2 dlu..haha..till then.

Monday, April 13, 2009


heyy long time didnt write any in my blog..padma holidays for some days so i cant pay for da internet fee..but now its already paid..hehs..erm it has been a week i guess after da exam over..what am i doing??nothing..haha..yeah rite nothing..over da last few days im filling my time watching those CDs i bought after da three hill season 3 & has been a long time i missed these series n now im trying to catch up everythings..yes i used to be the follower..big die hard fan..hoho..besides watching all da episodes i missed ofcouse theres something else i did.."merayap"..yeah best word to describe..watching those games in karnival sukan!!cheering all da way..hoping my batch o7 will gonna be da overall winner..this is what i really missed..becoming full of spirit to be da best n beat da rest..oh my GOD..i really missed da old times..playing basketball with all supporters around us..cheering n called our names..when we won da game.. hugs n kisses for us..sing our school song which we really proud off..n when we loose da game..we cried together..hoping dat da time can return we can play much more better..we can keep our flag flying up high..n we never dissappointed our supporters..but dats life..nobody will always be on or lose is not da matter..da matter is what we get from it..what we get from what already happened..i miss u guys..i miss my school..i miss my teammates..i miss da games..but again..dats life..people always leave..we leave da school..we spread with one another..but we leave for be an reach da goal in our live..ambition..what we gonna be in da future..what kind of adult we dream for..hows live gonna be after few years ahead..whatever my destiny is.."im the master of my the captain of my soul" im da one who da one who will work for it..da rest..i leave to GOD..hoping n praying da good things will always happen..but again never forget..this is is not always about da good should be how we keep da good things n how we turn da bad things to be da good one..dats da challenges n we should take it..keep in mind.."not to be bitter over life's disappointments..learn to let go of the past"

~~end of today's post.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

postexamination post~!!

today is Tuesday..7 April 2009..EXAM IS OVER!!
no more more more free..jz like a bird flying in the sky..HAH!xdeape..nnt kalo kne tembak mati jgk..xpun kne langgar ngan kapal terbang ke..hahaha
xkesahla..yg pnting exm da abes..mmg btol2 da abes..
"terima kasih ya ALLAH kerana memakbulkan doa hambamu ini..amin"
result cmne pn nnt me dun mind..da usaha as best as i can..tggal doa+tawakkal je :)
erm from now on otak da merewang da pkir nk wtpe..mcm2 nk wt..merata tmpt nk g..byk bende nk tarak!!limited la..kang overlimit jd papakedana lak ble smpai ujung bulan..waawawa..mak nk duit!!hehehe*wink*

postexamination break...what in my list??

1) doa byk2 + tawakkal for my future judicium..
2) qadha blk my sleep time..(nk jd sleeping beauty)
3) nk g jatos cm g toilet (means frequency g jatos same ngan my urinary frequency)
4) nk g bandung cm g jatos (mknenye g bandung tp hati ttp pd jatos..HAH)
5) nk shopping konon2 ade pocket doremon..duit xabes2
6) nk g jln2 smpai kne mkn megi hari2..(mksudnye duit da abes..haha)

dah tu je..xleh plan lebey2..nnt kalo xjadi msti kecewa..huhu..
got to byk cd nk marathon mlm nie..tata~

Saturday, April 4, 2009

here u go~!! u think u'r hot?
ofcourse la YES..sape lg nk puji kalo bkn diri sndri kn..HAH..tu bkn pujian pn..msti la x..*konon2 rendah diri*

2.upload a favourite picture of you:
3.[Photo] give three reason why you like this picture?
* gamba ats tu sbb nmpk mcm dlm megazine time2 raye *kire aku nie model majalah laa*
* yg bwh lak sbb klakar tgk muke buncit mcm tu..haha

* last reason sbb aku comey dlm dua2 gambar tu..HAH!..xdeape..(:

4.when was the last time you eat pizza?
xingat ble..after duit msk kot..mkn wif my buncit:)

5.the last song you listen?
"masihkah kau ingat"..koleksi lagu lame in my laptop..abah pnh nyanyi mase family day..soooo sporting..hee..

6.what are you doing now besides this?

nk wt pe lg..memorizing..soca on monday..cuak2!!

7.what name you prefer besides yours?
prefer for me OR for others??soklan xclear..xmau jwb..hahaha..sye suke name sye..*cahaya yg mengasyikkan*..uiiii(",)

8.people to tag:
  1. cik bie sbb aku suke bce blog die
  2. cikfun sbb aku pakse die msk bola blg utk karnival skn nnt
  3. opie sbb opie suke nyemak bg komen kt blog aku
  4. luqman sbb luqman lom jd follower aku
  5. isma sbb isma suke cikfun (cik fun pn same)
  6. piper sbb piper kne tag ngan farahain jgk
  7. nadu sbb nadu mrh abg die xbgtau da ade awek
  8. huda mutalif sbb die nk mkn spagheti 18 helai je blk msia nnt
  9. sape2 jela yg suke kne tag sbb die mmg suke kne tag..hahaha
9.who is num one?
mrs puding *peace*

10.num three is having relationship with?
ntoh..aku pn kompius..suro opie jwb sendiri la..heh

11.say something about num 5?
isma suke langgar tebing smpai spec trcabut wktu men bumper car kt bogor

12.who is number 2?

awek org yg suke langgar tebing ble men bumper car tue..

13.what do u think about num 4?
pemurah..baik hati..romantik..pandai..rajin..
ps: lokman lps nie kne blanje tau..hik3

alaa da abes ke..hoho..dah tu jela..thanx to farahain bg aku peluang practice merepek b4 soca n osce..heeehe..

time to go..tata~!!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

..thanx niesa..

how the story begin~~
while im suturing in huda's room..borrow suture instrument from isa (isa pnjm from his senior) food chain kn..haha..suddenly heard meirah sing something..sound very familiar.."nasyid tu..ko tau jgk ekh..ko ade simpan x..aku suke gle nyanyi ngan member aku mase kt mtrx ekh tajuk die..xingat la..huhu"
thats how the story begin..dan dgn semangatnye me naik atas (after tgk sinetron i*d*n yg menaikkan blood pressure..maknenye mmg emosi gle la ble tgk cte i*d*n nie) trus tgk my frens yg dlu same2 suke nyanyi nasyid yg tersebut diatas td..act dis song she dedicated to me..sing for me..n wrote down the lyric for me..because im so down kne msk matrix..xdpt scholarship..huawawa..(ofcourse la xdpt..result pn xseberape)hahaha..watever..cte da lps~~
nk dipendekkan cte..i finally found the tittle of the song..KEHIDUPAN~!!
sing by inteam with NAZREY raihan jgk..i LOVE u NAZREY (ehh2 over pulak)..xde2..gimik je tu..HAH!!ermm so since da tau pn cpt2 cri lgu tu..kt internet ofcourse..siap download videoclip youtube lg..hihi..

penyanyi: inTeam n NAZREY raihan
sejarah lagu: lagu ini ditulis n dinyanyikan semula oleh seorang sahabat bernama khairunnisa binti mohd fadzli..(niesa)..bertujuan menaikkan semangat seorang temannye bernama nurul ashikin binti azmi (chiechie)..=)

here goes the lyric~~






**the BOLD one is my most favorite part =)**

komen: dis song mmg btol2 menaikkan my spirit..lagu slow je but ape yg disampaikn dlm lyric tu sgt meaningful..thanx niesa..appreciate it..until now i still remember the way u sing the song for me..wrote down the lyric n ask me to keep it..u tell me to sing it whenever i feel down..i did it..btol xtipu..saye syg kamu..dedicate dis song utk kamu juge..sing dis whenever u feel miserable..u knoe ill always pray for ur success..sepertimane kamu mendoakn saye..(",)
im glad our path crossed..friendship for eternity..i miss u:-)

ps: to those yg xpnah dgr dis nasyid..plz have a try..u might like it as pembakar semangat..sape tau..btol x..hehe..enjoy~~

Saturday, March 28, 2009

to wHom it cOnceRn..~sorry~

Sorry..didnt mean to hurt..bad situation cause me to act dat way..didnt blame nor mad at jz when im already in euphoria state suddenly suppressed by incidence dat i cant imagine to be happen..ill act that way..not big deal but ill make it as huge as I bad..i knoe..but dats me..even for 20 years b4..i never change..jz u never knoe da actual color of mine..its okey..we always dig new things as time passed..isnt it..we are still frens..perhaps..small silly thing should never break us sumthing for u..enjoy..

Friendships come and Friendships go
Like wave upon the sand
Like day and night
Like birds in flight
Like snowflakes when they land
But you and I are something else
Our friendship's here to stay
Like weeds and rocks and dirty socks
It never goes away!

A friend is a person
to laugh and cry with,
An inspiration,
Someone who lends a helping hand,
though friends may not be forever,
And they may not end up together,
the memories of a true friendship will
last forever.

A friend is not a shadow nor a servant
But someone who hold
a piece of a person in his heart.
Someone who shares a smile,
Someone who brightens up your day
What makes a person a friend
Is by saying your Love will stay.

Friday, March 27, 2009


ermm more about exm..hehe..damn bored dok berkurang kt umah mengadap bku not dat type not consistence in my study..when da time comes..ill do my duty..STUDY..but if not ill do many things else..playing games..wathing tv..tido (most of the time)..surfing internet..n now..BLOGGING..hehe.. nothing much to write actually..jz suddenly think..
"nape ekh org lain ble tbe musim exm je..sume cm kurus pulak..xmkn ke diorg nie??"
maybe diorg nie:
exm>>send impulse to hypothalamus>>digest>>signals reach limbic system(emotion control)>>TAKUT CEMAS CUAK RISAU TENSION>>suppress apetite n loss desire to sleep>>low diet consumption>>weight loss>>KURUS!!!

hmm cmtu la kot..but for me da mechanism will be different..camni:
exm>>send impulse to hypothalamus>>digest>>signals reach limbic system(emotion control)>>TAKUT CEMAS CUAK RISAU TENSION>>increase appetite n desire to sleep>>high diet consumption>>weight gain>>GEMUK!!!

hahaha..know already differential diagnose between dis 2 mechanism..our motoric response different will eat n sleep much..but them??vice versa..huhu..
cmne nk jd cm diorg ekh..blaja ssh la nk concerntrate..mmg da gene cmtu kot..xleh ubah da..xkn nk wat gene transfusion pulak..hoho..

dah2..lagho time mode pulak(eksyen je)..hehe..tata~

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

~nEveR bE RepLAcEd~

Baby I love you and i'll never let you go
But if I have to boy I think that you should know
All the love we make can never be erase
And i promise you that you will never be replaced
Baby I love you and I'll never let you go
But if I have to boy I think that you should know
All the love we make can never be erase
And i promise you that you will never be replaced

I love you yes i do
I'll be with you as long as you want me too
Until the end of time
From the day I met you
I know we've be together
And now I know I wanna be with you forever
I wanna marry you and i wanna have your kids
Thinking never compare to feel enough to kisses
I can say i'm truly happy to the same
You've made me think I'll die and live my life hesitate
There's never been no doubt in my mind
That i'll regret ever having you by my side
But if the day come that i'll have to let you go
I think that something I should probadly let you know
With everything that i spent with you
Then i will miss you cuz i'm happy that i have you at all

[Repeat Chorus]

I feel for you yes i do
I'll be with you as long as you want me to
Until the end of time

Saturday, March 21, 2009

**i LOVE you**

its raining heavily jz stay in da house watching IDOLA CILIK 2 grand AKADEMI FANTASIA dis one participated by kanak2 yg pn idola "CILIK" PATTON actually..suare die sedap..dia nyanyi best sgt..esp lgu2 GLENN..but it depends on sms da best not usually da winner..huhuhu..kasihan kamu PATTON..nevermind..u already be da winner in my heart..uiiish oopss..ada pulak yg marah u much2 more la syg:-)

okey..enuff bout PATTON..not da main point act..da point is..I MISS HOME..miss my room..miss mak n abah..miss those kids yg mak jage..miss my FAMILY..huhu..sye nk blk..tau x sye nk blk..phm x sye nk blk sgt2..cmne nk expresskn how i really wanna go home..plz la phm..*sobbing*..
at dis time i suddenly remember what my mom wish on my said..

"semoga apa yg dicita citakan semuanya tercapai dgn mudah n semoga ALLAH memberkati setiap apa yg angah hajati..amin"

dats what mom wish..terharu sgt..thanx a lot..I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!~
dun wori ye..ill do my best..dats my promise!!really mean it..
so here goes some pics of my family during last aid mubarak..

ermm so tu je nk upload to go already..daa~~

Thursday, March 19, 2009

eXam FevEr~~ the tittle exm jz around da corner..another a week left..loads of things to do..sempat x..mampu x..boley x..all those questions always come up in my mind..24/7..huhu..time2 nie jgk la mcm2 skt nk dtg..headache..sore throat.. cough..stomachache..haish..
"ermm xpela chie2..skt2 tu kn boley hapuskn dosa2 kecik"
yeahh sure..dats da good side of being sick..haha..
so 2day we finally dpt jadual exm..lambat sungguh..lembap tol wt keje!!
watever here goes da schedule~~

30 mac : integrated final examination HIS part 1
31 mac : integrated final examination HIS part 2
02 apr : comprehensive examination DMS & HIS part 1
03 apr : comprehensive examination DMS & HIS part 2
06 apr : OSOCA
07 apr : OSCE
08 apr : remedial OSOCA
14 apr : remedial OSCE

nothing interesting wif dat schedule..xmenarik lgsung!!n yg peliknye nape la remedial OSCE tu wt lmbt sgt..wat gap between OSCE n SOCA will be much more better idea i guess..admin2..ish..*sigh*

time to go..daa~~

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

mE n cELebS...

holla..ermm herpes zoster has finished!! free to do anything..yes..ofcourse anything..wanna do some pastyear questions but not in da mood yet..have to feel free to do so then brula hasil nye memuaskan..agree wif me??

i guess not in da good condition act.. I mean my lambung (stomach in English) kind of xbtol sket..reason?? Unknown..huhu..if g clinic & doc ask for chief complain..guess dat I dun even knoe how to describe..haish cmne doc nk diagnose nie..ala plg pn doc will tell u to drink more water..give prescription antibiotic or maybe analgesic..huhu.. yeke?? Ntoh..juz guessing..*wink*..

hmm ptg td after tdo for few bkkla lptop..log in padma n start serving da usual..tgk fster..usya2 fster org len..tgk2 gamba..then mencapap bg komen kt pics mereka..haha..

then taip jz to see if theres sumthing new published by noi..our 24 hrs informer..hee..pastu gatal2 la usya blog da post boutrossa gave me a kiss..eleh kecoh la opie..kiss kt kertas je pn boley wt jugak tau..*jelous mode*..hehe..

then me pn teringat la mse zaman mude2 du byk jugak amek pics wif celebs zahid..jac victor..fara fauzana..leya hot fm..zed zaidi..n sape2 lg ntah..xingat da..*sje je nk bangge*..haha..still simpan those pics n here goes few of them…

de lg act tp mls nk upload..tenet cm lembap opie dun still xpnah jmpe rossa u still mng in dat case..hehe..ermm think dat its enuff already for dis time..wanna date wif my books pulak..uiiish..haha..hope leh thn lame la since my orbicularis oculi (muscle at the eyelid) da start contract to close my palpebral..huhu..till to go..daa~~